Work History
Conferences and Panels




Attorney at Law and MSc in Environment and Development. 20 Years of experience at national and international level in environment, sustainable development, indigenous peoples´ rights, intellectual property, and intercultural approach. Experience drafting legislation, policies, and guidelines. Experience in the formulation, implementation, and evaluation of environmental and culturally sensitive projects, including consultation and participatory processes, research, and analysis. Strong experience coordinating with multiple and multicultural stakeholders. Deliver training and presentations. Worked with public,private and academic sectors, ONG and international organizations and cooperation agencies


years of professional experience

Work History

Technical Coordinator

Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
2023.08 - Current
  • Technical coordination of consultancy: “Empowerment of indigenous and local communities for the protection of their biodiversity traditional knowledge and fair and equitable benefit-sharing”, within the framework of EU Program Euroclima+.

Legal Advisor

Rainforest Expeditions SAC
2020.11 - 2023.02
  • Legal support for obtaining permits regarding ecotourism in protected areas and research activities.
  • Support for development of ecotourism projects and approval of environmental instruments.
  • Elaborated and negotiated agreements with government, academic institutions, and NGO.


2020.10 - 2021.10
  • Technical support to the Office of Strategic Development of SERNANP during the process for update of Strategic Plan for Protected Areas in Peru.
  • Assessed implementation of the Strategic Plan for Protected Areas 2009-2019; identified and analysed international agreements related to protected areas, including climate change, biodiversity and indigenous rights agreements, and Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Developed policy guidelines; elaborated recommendations to include intercultural, and gender approaches in the process for update of Strategic Plan.
  • Elaborated a document on genetic diversity and agrobiodiversity.

National Coordinator of GEF-UNEP Projects

2018.08 - 2019.12
  • Organised more than 50 capacity building and awareness events, including indigenous peoples, public and private sector, and researchers; developed work plans and carried out activities with 7 partners´ national institutions; alliances with 4 universities for implementation of a training program; terms of references and guidance for development of tools for implementation of the Nagoya Protocol on ABS.
  • Prepared planning and implementation reports and budged.
  • Coordination with multiple stakeholders.
  • Provided legal advised and presentations regarding genetic resources, traditional knowledge, prior informed consent and biocultural protocols, supervision of consultants and staff.

Advisor, Vice Ministry of Intercultural Affairs

Ministry Of Culture And Ministry Of Economy And Finance
2017.01 - 2018.01
  • Advisor on indigenous peoples´ economic development, traditional knowledge, and rights over natural resources.
  • Developed proposal for certification of intercultural entrepreneurship; contribution for diagnostic on traditional knowledge; guidelines for prior informed consent and benefit sharing; legal opinion on draft legislation affecting indigenous peoples´ rights and prior consultation.
  • Represented the Vice Ministry at OTCA meeting on traditional knowledge and biocultural protocols in Amazon Region; responsible for coordination, inputs, and participation in meetings regarding OECD project on “Linking Indigenous Communities with Regional Development”.
  • Member of national commissions on Climate Change, Biodiversity and Biopiracy.


Pontificia Universidad Católica Del Perú
2012.08 - 2017.07
  • Lectures for the Master of Biotrade and Sustainable Development On social and environmental sustainability.
  • Curses on social and environmental sustainability and environmental policy and law; biodiversity, climate change and society.

Legal advisor

Rainforest Expedition SAC
2014.07 - 2016.12
  • Coordinated and negotiated contracts with national authority (Sernanp), revised and provided inputs to ecotourism project proposal.
  • Advised on legal proceeding and environmental assessment for tourism activities in protected areas.


GIZ- BioStartUp
2016.05 - 2016.11
  • Expert on Biotrade.
  • Trained and mentored startups on access to genetic resources, traditional knowledge, and benefit sharing regulations.
  • Guide for authorization and contracts for access and traditional knowledge in Peru.
  • Proposal for prior informed consent and benefit sharing scheme between a startup and indigenous communities.


2015.05 - 2015.09
  • Socio-environmental due diligence.
  • Designed the structure and revised “Environmental and Social Compliance Report of Cerro del Aguila Hydroelectric Project” (including EIA commitments, social management system, social responsibility, participatory monitoring).
  • Ensuring compliance with IFC Performance Standards on Environmental and Social Sustainability, IFC Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines for Electric Power Transmission and Distribution, Equator Principles, and national regulations.


Instituto de Investigaciones de la Amazonía Peruana, IIAP
2015.03 - 2015.04
  • Expert on biodiversity and indigenous peoples' rights.
  • Drafted negotiation guidelines and contract model for indigenous peoples and user of traditional knowledge.
  • Conducted training workshops with indigenous representatives.

Short term advisor

2014.09 - 2015.04
  • Provided advised on: Biotrade, traditional knowledge, access to genetic resources and equitable benefit sharing for the GIZ Program: “Contribution to Environmental Objectives of Peru”.

Research consultant

Center for International Forest Research, CIFOR
2014.04 - 2014.08
  • Developed assessment of the impacts of academic research on regulations and decision making on non-timber products in Peru (the case of Brazil Nuts), using methodology of the Theory of Change.

Legal advisor

2014.01 - 2014.07
  • Expert on protected areas and natural resources.
  • Team member of project: “Strengthening of the tourism unit within the Protected Areas Authorities and enhancing of benefits for protected areas based on tourism activities”
  • Provided legal advice to national authority (Sernanp) for regularization of tourism activities in protected areas, and drafted contract models.


Asociación Andes
2014.03 - 2014.06
  • Expert on indigenous peoples´ rights.
  • Provided legal support for governance restructuring of Indigenous Peoples' Biocultural Climate Change Assessment (IPCCA) and a draft model for biocultural protocols within the scope of REDD-plus, drafted bylaws and memorandum of understanding
  • Proposed recommendations to address key cultural, environmental, and social impacts of climate change presented and distributed at UNFCCC COP 21.


Comisión de Promoción del Perú para la Exportación y el Turismo, Promperú
2014.03 - 2014.05
  • Expert on Biotrade.
  • Drafted a National Strategy on Biotrade, including workshops with private sector, authorities, and ONG.

Legal translator

IIED And Foundation For International Environmental Law And Development
2006.10 - 2013.08
  • English-Spanish translation of several technical documents on environment and development
  • Translated several legal documents regarding Climate Change negotiations, including treaties, protocols, and decisions by the Conference of the Parties (COP) of UNFCCC and Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties (CMP) of the Kyoto Protocol and “Guide for REDD-plus negotiators


Peruvian Society for Environmental Law, IUCN
2013.02 - 2013.05
  • Expert on access and benefit sharing, traditional knowledge, and indigenous peoples' customary law.
  • Prepared a study on the state of the art and role of indigenous customary law for protection of traditional knowledge and implementation of Nagoya Protocol on ABS.


Asociación Andes
2009.01 - 2013.01
  • Expert on farmer´s rights, climate change, and access to genetic resources.
  • Systematized experiences and lessons learned from the project: “Adapting native potatoes and Andean crops in the face of climate change for food security”, funded by Development Marketplace Multi Donor Trust Fund, managed by World Bank.
  • Elaborated policy papers and recommendations for FAO Treaty, CBD and WIPO-ICG forums.


2012.05 - 2012.11
  • Expert on environmental and sustainable trade issues for the Perubiodiverso Project, funded by SECO-GIZ.
  • Designed a tool for the evaluation and monitoring of Biotrade´s Principles and Criteria application, and systematized the experiences and lessons learned from the implementation of the project.
  • Carried out workshops with stakeholders to review social, trade, and environmental indicators and means of verification.


Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental -GIZ
2012.05 - 2012.09
  • Expert on Biotrade, ABS and traditional knowledge.
  • Prepared a case study on the experience of Takiwasi and indigenous communities of San Martin region in Peru, regarding use of medicinal plants and traditional knowledge within the framework of Biotrade and ABS legislation.
  • Ministry of Environment –Peru.


Ministry Of Environment
2012.07 - 2012.08
  • Expert on Biotrade, benefit sharing and access to genetic resources.
  • Designed and delivered a course on benefit sharing from the use of biodiversity.


Asociación Andes
2012.01 - 2012.03
  • Expert on agrobiodiversity, indigenous peoples´ rights and benefit sharing.
  • Prepared Final Report of the Project Conservation and sustainable use of native potatoes diversity in the Potato Park, Cusco Peru”, funded by United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

Technical Advisor

German International Cooperation, GIZ
2011.02 - 2011.12
  • Staff of Perubiodiverso Project-SECO-GIZ
  • Coordinated component of the project regarding: publications, training, awareness, and policy and legal framework on Biotrade.
  • Provided guidance to stakeholders and project´s team and selected companies regarding: Biotrade´s Social and Environmental Principles and Criteria and the Convention on Biological Diversity.

Peru´s Project Coordinator

Ministry of Foreign Trade of Peru and GTZ
2009.09 - 2010.12
  • Capacity Building for BioTrade: Network in Namibia, Nepal and Peru GTZ, UNEP/UNCTAD-CBTF Project”.
  • Coordinated activities of the Project in Peru including the preparation of work plan, budget, reports, and research on Biotrade.
  • Supervised the projects activities and consultants, coordinate with stakeholder and national authorities and organised workshops, presentations regarding Biotrade.


APECO, Comité Peruano de la UICN
2009.02 - 2009.03
  • Consultant for project: “Improving natural resources governance for poverty alleviation in Peru and Bolivia”.
  • Prepared a baseline study on indigenous communities of high-Andes of Peru and defined a conceptual framework regarding cultural indicators of indigenous wellbeing in high-Andean region.


Asociación para la Defensa de los Derechos Naturales
2008.09 - 2009.02
  • Expert on access to genetic resources, traditional knowledge, and customary law.
  • Developed guidelines for documentation of traditional knowledge related with biological and genetic resources, as input for a toolkit elaborated by World Intellectual Property Organization, Including the role of customary law; participatory, consultation and prior informed consent processes, and negotiation of agreements.


ANDES, Peru and IIED
2006.01 - 2009.01
  • Consultant for project: “Protecting Community Rights over Traditional Knowledge: Implications of Customary Laws and Practices”: Case Studies in Peru, Panama, Kenya, India, and China.
  • Prepared policy papers and case studies on customary laws, traditional knowledge, farmer´s rights, and benefit sharing in Potato Park, Cusco, Peru
  • Drafted several regional laws, including regulation that bans genetically modify crops in Cusco Region and regulation that prevents biopiracy and inter-communal agreement, based on communities' customary law, for distribution of benefits from the Potato Park.


WWF International
2005.11 - 2006.09
  • Consultant for project: “Support for National Measures to Regulate Access to Genetic Resources and to Promote Benefit Sharing (ABS) in Cameroon, Colombia, and South Pacific Region”, GTZ.
  • Prepared with Project´s Team, final report.
  • Contributed to formulation of project proposals, case studies, and lessons learned; prepared position papers on access to genetic resources and traditional knowledge presented at COP8 of Convention on Biological Diversity.
  • Participated at CBD COP8 as part of WWF delegation.


Peruvian Society For Environmental Law
2005.12 - 2006.02
  • Prepared a research document on the role of indigenous customary law for international protection of traditional knowledge.


IUCN International
2004.01 - 2006.01
  • Several consultancies on Indigenous traditional knowledge, biodiversity, and isolated indigenous groups.
  • Co-wrote Sections 4 and 5 of Phase 2, and updated Phase 1 of theComposite Report on Status and Trends Regarding Knowledge, Innovation, and Practices of Indigenous and Local Communities Relevant to Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity, Latin America, and Caribbean Regions, for the Secretariat of Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).
  • Prepared a background document and draft resolution on isolated indigenous peoples in Amazon Region, discussed at the third IUCN World Conservation Congress, Bangkok.


Asociación para la Defensa del Patrimonio de Cutivireni –ACPC
2003.06 - 2003.07
  • Consultant for Evaluation of Seismic Phase of Camisea Oil and Gas Project - Pluspetrol”.
  • Assessed consultation and negotiation processes and compensation agreements for use of indigenous communities' lands and natural resources during seismic phase of Pluspetrol´s project in Camisea (Peruvian Amazon.
  • Rainforest); and analysed legal situation of isolated indigenous groups living around the project.


Ex National Institute Of Natural Resources Of Perú (INRENA)
2002.12 - 2003.06
  • Consultant on socio-environmental issues for the implementation of the project Indigenous Management of Protected Areas in the Peruvian Amazon” - GEF-World Bank.
  • Prepared a negotiated draft proposal for indigenous co-management of protected areas (approved in June 2005), and designed a participatory process for the approval of the co-management regime.


GEF-World Bank
2002.12 - 2003.06
  • Expert on socio-environmental issues for implementation of project, including prepared a negotiated draft proposal for indigenous co-management of protected areas (approved in June 2005), and designed a participatory process for approval of co-management regime.

Legal advisor

Ex National Institute Of Natural Resources Of Perú (INRENA)
2002.04 - 2002.11
  • Advisor to the chief of INRENA on indigenous peoples´ rights over natural resources, including definition of institutional policy on indigenous peoples and forests and a legal proposal for protection of isolated indigenous groups.


World Resources Institute, USAID
2000.04 - 2000.09
  • Consultant for project: “Strengthening Capacity Building and Environmental Planning Process for Pisco-Paracas Eco-Region, Peru.
  • Member of team for the creation of Environmental Regional Commission in Pisco-Paracas.

Project Coordinator

National Environmental Society (SNA) of Peru-World
2000.05 - 2000.08
  • Coordinator of project: Indigenous Protected Lands and Community Management Areas in Bolivia, Ecuador, and Peru Project”.
  • Coordinated project activities, prepared a report including guidelines for community co-management of protected areas, organised workshops and presented results of the research.


IUCN International
2000.02 - 2000.03
  • Expert on indigenous peoples´ rights and conservation.
  • Prepared a policy paper on: Indigenous Peoples in international agreements and organizations: A review focused on legal and institutional issues for World Conservation Congress in Amman.


World Resources Institute, WRI
1998.09 - 1999.11
  • Associate of the Biological Resources Program.Coordinated a project on access to genetic resources and traditional knowledge, including designed, managed, and implemented outreach activities; conducted research on biosafety, indigenous rights, and institutional arrangements.
  • Collaborated with initiatives on conflicts resolution and socio-environmental standards for mining activities.

Staff member, Program

Peruvian Society for Environmental Law, SPDA
1993.10 - 1998.09
  • Coordinated several projects and conducted research, analysis, training, and outreach related to indigenous peoples´ rights and environmental law, particularly on protected areas, biodiversity conservation, land rights, and extractive activities.
  • Designed and implemented participation processes; drafted and negotiated environmental policies and laws; participated in national and international meetings regarding climate change, biodiversity, and oil dialogues.


Diploma - International Environmental Law Making & Diplomacy

United Nations Environmental Programme And Joensuu University
Joenssu, Finland

Diploma - Social Leaders: Management Programme For ONG

Instituto Tecnológico Y De Estudios Superiores De Monterrey- Tec De Monterrey

Master of Science - Environment And Development

London School of Economics And Political Science
London, United Kingdom

J.D. - Law

Pontificia Universidad Católica Del Perú: Faculty of Law
Lima, Peru


  • Strategic and analytical thinking
  • Detail oriented.
  • Problem solving
  • Creativity
  • Flexibility
  • Intercultural skills
  • Negotiation skills.
  • Oral and verbal communication skills
  • Ability to work with multidisciplinary teams
  • Project design, implementation, and reporting
  • Participatory approach and multi-stakeholders engagement
  • Research expertise
  • Computer literacy



  • Member of the UICN Environmental Law Commission (Since 2000).
  • Member of the Lima bar Association (Since 1997).
  • Peruvian National Commission on Climate Change (2017).
  • Peruvian National Commission on Biodiversity (2017).
  • Peruvian Commission against Biopiracy (2017-2019).


Native language


  • Noejovich Flavia (2023), “Some approaches on the implementation of the right to Prior Consultation of Indigenous Peoples in Peru”, IN: The path to peace and development: Emerging legal framework for the development of natural resources on indigenous lands. International Mining and Energy Law, Development, and Investment 2-1 (2023).
  • Argumedo, Alejandro y Noejovich, Flavia (2016) indicaciones bioculturales: un instrumento de mercado para proteger los conocimientos tradicionales de las comunidades indígenas y locales . ESAN. Lima, Perú.
  • Noejovich, Flavia (2014) Reflexiones sobre el rol del derecho consuetudinario indígena en la protección de los conocimientos tradicionales a propósito del Protocolo de Nagoya. Portal sobre Conservación y Equidad Social de la UICN.
  • Noejovich F (2013) Conocimientos tradicionales y Biocomercio: la experiencia de un emprendimiento intercultural en San Martín. SECO, GIZ, SPDA. Lima.
  • Noejovich F (2013) Marco de verificación e instrumento de evaluación optimizado. En: “La Experiencia de Perúbiodiverso en la implementación de Principios y Criterios del Biocomercio”. Anexos I y II. Perúbiodiverso.
  • Noejovich F (2009) Aportes al marco conceptual para la construcción de indicadores culturales de bienestar en las comunidades indí­genas alto-andinas del Perú: análisis y sistematización sobre indicadores de pobreza y calidad de vida. UICN, APECO, Comité Peruano de UICN.
  • Oviedo G and Noejovich F (2007) Challenges for the Maintenance of Traditional Biodiversity Knowledge in Latin America, Chapter 21. IN Emmanuel K. Boon and Luc Hens (Eds.) Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Sustainable Development: Relevance for Africa. Tribes and Tribals, Special Volume No. 1: 225-239. Kamla-Raj.
  • Noejovich F (2006) “El rol del derecho consuetudinario indígena en la protección de los conocimientos tradicionales y su reconocimiento a nivel internacional” IN: Ruiz Muller M La Protección Jurídica de los Conocimientos Tradicionales: Algunos Avances Políticos y Normativos en América Latina. UICN, BMZ y SPDA. Lima, Perú.
  • Oviedo G and Noejovich F (2005) Composite Report on the Status and Trends Regarding the Knowledge, Innovations and Practices of Indigenous and Local Communities. Section 4 and 5. Regional Report: Latin America and the Caribbean”. Information document prepared for the Secretariat of the CBD.
  • Noejovich F (2003) “Participación de los pueblos indígenas en el manejo de las áreas naturales protegidas en el Perú”. IN: Informe Nacional sobre Áreas Naturales Protegidas del Perú prepared for the V IUCN World Park Congress. Durban, South Africa, September 2003.
  • Laird S and Noejovich F (2002)” Building Equitable Research Relationships with Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities: Prior Informed Consent and Research Agreement.”IN: Laird S (Ed.). Biodiversity and Traditional Knowledge: Equitable Partnerships in Practice. People and Plants Conservation Series. Earthscan, London, UK.
  • Noejovich F, Kingman S, Miranda C, Ribera M, Ruiz R, Smith A, Paz S y Solano P (2002) Manejo Comunal de Territorios Indígenas y Áreas Naturales Protegidas en Bolivia, Ecuador y el Perú. Sociedad Nacional del Ambiente-Banco Mundial, Lima. Perú.
  • Noejovich F (2000) “Indigenous People in International Agreements and Organisations: a review focused on the legal and institutional issues” IUCN.
  • Tobin B, Noejovich F y Yáñez C (1998) Petroleras, Estado y Pueblos Indígenas. El Juego de las Expectativas. Defensoría del Pueblo, Lima, Perú.
  • Solano P, Noejovich F and Raffo I (1997) Legislación ambiental suramericana aplicable a los humedales: análisis comparativo e inventario normativo. Sociedad Peruana de Derecho ambiental. SPDA - Wetlands International - Unión Mundial para la Naturaleza. UICN, Quito, Ecuador.
  • Pulgar Vidal M and Noejovich F (1996) Propuesta normativa y bases para una armonización de la legislación e institucionalidad ambiental en Paraguay. ENAPRENA, Asunción, Paraguay.

Conferences and Panels

  • Panelist: “Seeking Compliance with Treaty Obligations to Recognize Indigenous Rights to Consultation”. International Mining and Energy Law, Development, and Investment Conference”. The Foundation for Natural Resources and Energy Law, Mexico City, April 2023.
  • Guest lecturer, course: “Community Engagement and Sustainable Development of Mineral Resources ”, developed by the Sustainable Development Strategy Group, University of Arizona. May 2021.
  • Participant at several conferences of the parties of the Conventions on Climate Change and Biodiversity.
  • Presentation: “Community biocultural protocols: a mechanism for promoting community interests under the ITPGRFA and the Nagoya Protocol”. Workshop for Nagoya Protocol and Plant Treaty National Focal Points in Latin America and the Caribbean. Secretariat CBD, ABS Capacity Development Initiative, International Potato Center (CIP), Asociación Andes, MINAM, Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and INIA. Perú, 2018.
  • Presentation: “Retos del Proyecto GEF ABS para la Implementación efectiva del Protocolo de Nagoya”. National Workshop: Promoviendo una implementación efectiva del Protocolo de Nagoya y el BioComercio Unctad/Minam/Promperu/Seco/GIZ/CAF. Peru, 2018.
  • Presentation: “Avances, retos y oportunidades para la protección de los conocimientos tradicionales en Perú”. Reunión Técnica Regional de Intercambio: Protocolos Comunitarios y Acceso y Participación en los Beneficios relacionados con la Protección de los Conocimientos Tradicionales”. Organización del Tratado de Cooperación Amazónica (OTCA). Guyana, 2017.
  • Presentation: “Overview of Peru's policy approach for Indigenous communities”. Kick-off Workshop of the Project: Linking Indigenous Communities with Regional Development Project. OECD. Canada, 2017.
  • Teacher: training course on Social and Environmental Responsibility regarding oil activities in Peru. Carec. Perú, 2016.
  • Teacher: Training workshop on Access to genetic resources, benefit sharing and traditional knowledge as part of the project: Proyecto BioInnova (SECO-GIZ). Peru, 2016.
  • Presentation: “Community biocultural protocols: a mechanism for promoting community interests under the ITPGRFA, Nagoya Protocol, and other relevant instruments”. Workshop for Nagoya Protocol and Plant Treaty National Focal Points in Latin America and the Caribbean'. Bioversity International and International Potato Center (CIP). Peru, 2018.
  • Presentation: “El derecho consuetudinario y los protocolos comunales para la protección de los conocimientos tradicionales. Protocolo de Nogoya”. Congreso Internacional de Medicina Tradicional Andina y Amazónica. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Perú, 2015.
  • Presentation: “El Protocolo Biocultural del Parque de la Papa. Perú”. Segundo Foro sobre los protocolos de distintas comunidades de la región América Latina, el Caribe y África. GIZ. México, 2014.
  • Panellist at the conference: “Biodiversity and Traditional Knowledge: How can they be protected? Organized by the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI). France, 2013.
  • Presentation at the side event organized by ICTSD and GTZ: “Intellectual Property, Trade and Biodiversity Conservation: A South – South Exchange”, at COP X Convention on Biological Diversity. Topic: Avances del Biocomercio en el Perú. Nagoya. Octubre 2010.
  • Presentation: “Inter-communities' agreement of the Potato Park, Cusco: Drafting process”. Project Partner's Workshop on Protecting Community Rights over Traditional Knowledge: Implications of Customary Laws and Practices”. IIED. UK, 2009.
  • Presentation: “Diagnóstico sobre indicadores culturales de bienestar para pueblos indígenas del Perú”. Workshop on Marco conceptual para la definición de indicadores culturales de bienestar de pueblos indígenas altoandinos en Bolivia y Perú. UICN-Sur and Comité Peruano de la IUCN. Perú, 2009.
  • Presentation: “National implementation of CBD provisions regarded traditional knowledge in Latin American Region” Third Colloquium of the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law. Australia, 2005.
  • Presentation: “Regulating access and benefit sharing regarding traditional knowledge in Peru”. Conference on Access to genetic resources, benefit sharing and traditional knowledge. Sao Paulo University. Brazil, 2002.
  • Presentation: “Through the creation of an intercultural dialogue to protect the environment.” Congreso International de Peruanistas. Harvard University. US, 1999.
  • Member of the Peruvian Delegation to the Fourth Conference of the Parties of the Convention of Biological Diversity in Bratislava. Slovakia, 1998.
  • Presentation: “Indigenous people's participation in the definition of a legal framework for the protection of their traditional knowledge”. 10th Global Biodiversity Forum, Workshop on Benefit Sharing. Slovakia, 1998.
  • Member of the Peruvian Delegation to the Third Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Kyoto, Japan, 1997.
  • Presentation: “Difficulties for Local Community Participation in the Shell's Camisea Gas Project,” at the Oil Dialogue organized by the Program on Non-violence Sanctions and Cultural Survival. Harvard University. US, 1997.
  • Presentation: “Indigenous People and the Environment”, at the Public Interest Environmental Law Conference. University of Oregon, School of Law. US, 1997.


Technical Coordinator

Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
2023.08 - Current

Legal Advisor

Rainforest Expeditions SAC
2020.11 - 2023.02


2020.10 - 2021.10

National Coordinator of GEF-UNEP Projects

2018.08 - 2019.12

Advisor, Vice Ministry of Intercultural Affairs

Ministry Of Culture And Ministry Of Economy And Finance
2017.01 - 2018.01


GIZ- BioStartUp
2016.05 - 2016.11


2015.05 - 2015.09


Instituto de Investigaciones de la Amazonía Peruana, IIAP
2015.03 - 2015.04

Short term advisor

2014.09 - 2015.04

Legal advisor

Rainforest Expedition SAC
2014.07 - 2016.12

Research consultant

Center for International Forest Research, CIFOR
2014.04 - 2014.08


Asociación Andes
2014.03 - 2014.06


Comisión de Promoción del Perú para la Exportación y el Turismo, Promperú
2014.03 - 2014.05

Legal advisor

2014.01 - 2014.07


Peruvian Society for Environmental Law, IUCN
2013.02 - 2013.05


Pontificia Universidad Católica Del Perú
2012.08 - 2017.07


Ministry Of Environment
2012.07 - 2012.08


2012.05 - 2012.11


Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental -GIZ
2012.05 - 2012.09


Asociación Andes
2012.01 - 2012.03

Technical Advisor

German International Cooperation, GIZ
2011.02 - 2011.12

Peru´s Project Coordinator

Ministry of Foreign Trade of Peru and GTZ
2009.09 - 2010.12


APECO, Comité Peruano de la UICN
2009.02 - 2009.03


Asociación Andes
2009.01 - 2013.01


Asociación para la Defensa de los Derechos Naturales
2008.09 - 2009.02

Legal translator

IIED And Foundation For International Environmental Law And Development
2006.10 - 2013.08


ANDES, Peru and IIED
2006.01 - 2009.01


Peruvian Society For Environmental Law
2005.12 - 2006.02


WWF International
2005.11 - 2006.09


IUCN International
2004.01 - 2006.01


Asociación para la Defensa del Patrimonio de Cutivireni –ACPC
2003.06 - 2003.07


Ex National Institute Of Natural Resources Of Perú (INRENA)
2002.12 - 2003.06


GEF-World Bank
2002.12 - 2003.06

Legal advisor

Ex National Institute Of Natural Resources Of Perú (INRENA)
2002.04 - 2002.11

Project Coordinator

National Environmental Society (SNA) of Peru-World
2000.05 - 2000.08


World Resources Institute, USAID
2000.04 - 2000.09


IUCN International
2000.02 - 2000.03


World Resources Institute, WRI
1998.09 - 1999.11

Staff member, Program

Peruvian Society for Environmental Law, SPDA
1993.10 - 1998.09

Diploma - International Environmental Law Making & Diplomacy

United Nations Environmental Programme And Joensuu University

Diploma - Social Leaders: Management Programme For ONG

Instituto Tecnológico Y De Estudios Superiores De Monterrey- Tec De Monterrey

Master of Science - Environment And Development

London School of Economics And Political Science

J.D. - Law

Pontificia Universidad Católica Del Perú: Faculty of Law